Story: Luck of the Draw


Willow, Buffy and the gang deal with the new dimension to the girls relationship, while at the same time battling a new, deadly vampire foe.

Notes: Disclaimer: All the characters, Buffy, Willow, Giles, Xander, Faith etc. belong to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy Inc., and Warner Bros. I'm just borrowing their brilliant creations. I intend no copyright infringement from my use of their characters, and will receive no monetary or any other compensation for their use, in any form, of the story that succeeds.

Authors: Janine

Tags: Action/Adventure (genre), Romance (genre), So Clear (series), Buffy the Vampire Slayer (category), Buffy (character), Willow (character)


Ch# Title
1 Chapter 1
2 Chapter 2
3 Chapter 3
4 Chapter 4
5 Chapter 5
-- Read whole story