Story: Evangelion (Unleashed) (chapter 16)

Authors: Asukalover88

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Chapter 16

Title: Snowballing I

[Author's notes: Deaf-0 on chap 2nd]

After battling the last Angel, Misato had suggested to Yui that the pilots needed some down time away from all the danger and violence. The boys, Shinji, Toji, and Kaji had decided to go camping while Asuka, Hikari, Rei, Jo and Misato decided to go skiing in the mountains.

“I love this air!” Misato breathed in deeply as the icy air filled her lungs. Misato and the others stood at the bottom of the mountain, looking up at the large, snowy hills that surrounded it.

“I jus’ love your outfit; you think you could have got it any tighter?” Asuka sneered sarcastically as she and the others eyeballed Misato’s violet, skin-tight bodysuit.

“I think it’s nice.” Rei whispered politely as she clicked her white boots straps in to place and stood up between Hikari and Jo.

“You’re such a kiss-ass Rei.” Jo giggled meanly as she zipped up her black and red jacket and adjusted her matching, baggy snowboarding pants. Asuka’s eyes narrowed darkly at Jo’s comment as she pulled on her gloves forcibly.

“Why are you such a bitch Jo?” Asuka demanded as she stepped around Hikari and pointed at Jo.

“Why are you such a dog-faced whore?” Jo snapped back as she shoveled Asuka into Hikari.

“Hey!” Hikari yelled as Asuka pushed off the girl, keeping her balance but causing Hikari to hit the snowy ground.

“Why you…!” Asuka roared as she sprung back, pushing Rei out of her way.

“Stop it you two, we’re here to have fun so let’s start having some.” Misato seemed to appear out of nowhere as held the two girls apart. Both girls backed down, grumbling under their breaths as Rei helped Hikari to her feet.

“Come on, the lifts are over there, now get going.” Misato pointed as she skied there herself with Rei and Hikari in trail. Asuka and Jo stared daggers at each other as Jo clipped her foot into her snowboard and Asuka with her skis and followed the others. The girls approached the lifts as Jo grabbed Rei’s arm and pulled her onto the first lift.

“Come on Rei, Ride with me!” Jo yelled as she jumped on the lift with Rei.

“Hey! Wait for me!” Asuka raced after the two and hopped on the bench on the other side of Rei. Asuka and Jo continued their demeaning stare at each other as Rei’s eyes shifted back and fore between them.

“I really do hate you Asuka.” Jo grimaced as the three girls sat in silent up to the top with Hikari and Misato riding behind them.

At the top of the one of the large hills Misato warned the girls again.

“Behave yourselves; I don’t want anyone getting hurt.” Misato looked over the girls, all waiting impatiently for Misato to finish.

“And remember… Hey!” Misato yelled as all four girls took off down the hill.

“We will!” Jo yelled back as she flew down the hill followed by the rest. The wind and snow rushed past the girls as they all laughed and yelled. Rei and Hikari swayed slowly down the snowy mount as Asuka and Jo, like always made it a competition. The red head hit a small ramp as she shifted her skis left to right and landed perfectly.

“In your face JO!” Asuka grinned as Jo cut right, aiming for a larger ramp.

“Fuck you Asuka, I live for this SHIT!” The black spiky haired girl sailed off the steep incline, pulling a wicked 360 back-flip. Asuka’s jaw dropped as she stopped and stared at the American girl with fire in her eyes. Rei and Hikari passed Asuka as the girls bobbed and weaved closely together. Misato stopped sharply as she sprayed Asuka with a wave of snow.

“Misato!” Asuka screamed, shaking off the wet snow as Misato smirked and continued down the hill.

“Hurry up Asuka, you don’t want to get left behind.” Misato teased as Asuka followed the Major completely pissed off. Halfway down the hill Jo grinned over at Rei and nodded. The two began to figure eight down the hill with precision and grace. Hikari and Misato flanked the two girls as they watched the 4th and 5th work beautifully in unison.

“Wow, you guys are amazing!” Hikari yelled as Jo put her hands behind her head, making it look even easier.

“Thanks, Rei’s a natural.” Jo commented as she shifted back to goofy-foot. Suddenly Asuka came out of as she cut in front of Rei, causing the girl to trip and fall. Rei hit the packed snow hard and began to roll as Hikari and Misato stopped abruptly to help Rei. Jo gritted her teeth and darted after Asuka.

“Hey, get back here you nazi bitch!” Jo demanded as she started to catch up with the wildly red head.

“You got to catch me first!” Asuka sneered over her shoulder as she headed into a thickly wooded area. Jo followed as she started to get nervous. The two pilots knitted though the trees as Jo came up next to Asuka.

“Asuka wait, you’re going too fast!” Jo cautioned as she ducked a large branch.

“What’s wrong Jo? Chicken?” Asuka laughed as she poked at Jo with one of her poles, forcing her to stop. Asuka looked back, grinning with her middle finger flying.

“ASUKA LOOK OUT!!!” Screamed Jo as Asuka turned to a massive tree right in front of her. With no way to stop, Asuka slammed into the tree and knocked herself out cold.



To be continue…

[End notes: I've been kinda a grumpyant today]

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