Story: Tabula Rasa (chapter 4)

Authors: Janine

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Chapter 4

Title: Three

Part Three

It was a beautiful morning in New York. Cabbies were yelling, people in trench coats were hawking faux Ray Bans and Rolex's, business people were knocking each other over in the streets, and there was slush up to your ankles. Alright, so in actuality it wasn't such a beautiful morning but that didn't really matter to Abbie. No slush, or suit, or stolen brand name product could ruin her morning. She thought it slightly ridiculous that after two kisses-three if she counted the goodbye kiss Toni had given her once they arrived at her apartment-she should be so totally bewitched. Then she thought that it was more than that, that they had known each other for years and she had always been especially fond of Toni, that they had shared a bond from the first day they met. Then she thought she thought too much and continued down the street.

Toni was waiting by the door to Abbie's office when Abbie arrived. She greeted the brunette attorney with a cup of coffee and a smile.

"God, I forgot that you're a morning person," Abbie said as she approached the door. The grin that covered her face took out any sting that her words may have held however.

"Good morning to you too," Toni responded. "You'd better be nice or I won't give you your fix," she continued holding up the cup of coffee.

"Well in that case," Abbie started opening the door. "After you."

Abbie decided that it was her turn to get some couch action, so she was stretched out on it while Toni sat behind her desk. The sun was shinning through the glass warming Abbie's skin and she just lay there for a moment soaking it up before Toni broke the silence.

"So the Blaine's pretty much gave you the same spiel as the Anderson's?"

"Almost verbatim," Abbie responded. "Same old thing. If we go by the parents account both boys were next in the line for sainthood."

"Mr. Barrett definitely didn't feel that way," Toni said watching Abbie recline.

"That's not surprising," Abbie responded turning her head to face Toni.

"Think we should check it out? If they were somewhere in-between the thugs Mr. Barrett made them out to be, and less than the saints their parent's said they were it could help their self-defense plea," Toni responded resting her elbows on the desk.

"Dylan and Jeff were minors," Abbie said. "Any records they might have had would be sealed."

"Dylan and Jeff may have been minors, but Brent isn't. He's twenty. One of those High School kids who never wanted to leave High School," Toni responded. "Three amigos...logic says that there's a good chance what's on Brent's records would be on theirs. If there are any records."

"Alright, let's check it out," Abbie said swinging her legs over the edge of the couch. "Tag team?" she asked. They'd spent a lot of time together over the past few days, and she wouldn't have minded spending more time together but if Toni wanted to do it solo she'd understand. Toni just smiled and grabbed her coat.

"Last one to the elevator pays for the cab," she said and headed out the door. Abbie took her time getting up and getting her things together. It was her turn to pay for the cab anyway.


Abbie was bending down directly in front of the open drawer of a large filing cabinet. Toni was at the side of the drawer beside her searching the labels. Toni hated these places, they were always dusty, dark, dank, and apparently no one who filed the documents had any idea what the words 'alphabetical order' meant. You would go in for one file and it would take an hour, sometimes two depending on the level of incompetence of the filers. She and Abbie had been looking through files for at least forty-five minutes and her back was starting to kill her. She should have stretched or something before starting the search, maybe brought along a chiropractor to re-align her back when they were done.

"How much would you love me if I said I found it?" Abbie asked straightening up.

"I'd kiss you," Toni said standing up and moving the few steps to Abbie's side. She crooked her head so that she could get a look at the file but Abbie moved it. "You're not serious?" Toni asked looking up at her. Abbie simply kept the file where it was at her side and looked at Toni expectantly. "Fine," Toni said raising up onto her tiptoes she placed a kiss on Abbie's check. Abbie smirked then placed the file on top of the cabinet and opened it up.

"Breaking and entering, possession..." Toni read out loud. "Those two were solo, but look here," she said pointing near the bottom of the page. "Arson. Two accomplices, couldn't be named because they were underage. Also an assault of an elderly couple, two accomplices."

"An old barn out in Jersey," Abbie said scanning the rest of the report. "Let's make of copy of this just in case," she continued closing the file.

Abbie stood off to the side as Ricci placed the file into the photocopier and turned it on. A harsh white light was cast over Toni's features momentarily then it disappear and Toni was lifting the lid.

"What are your plans for the rest of day?" Abbie asked as Toni handed her one of the copies.

"Office, paper work," Toni responded. "All that good stuff."

"Same here," Abbie responded as they headed out the door.

"What are you doing later?" Toni asked as they entered the hallway. "For dinner," she added.

"One word...Kraft," Abbie responded with a smirk.

"Are those plans solid or are you open to suggestions?" Toni asked opening the door to the street.

"That cheesy macaroni's tempting, but I suppose I could put it off. What'd you have in mind?" Abbie responded as she put her hat on her head. Jack always made fun of her hat, he always said it looked like something scrapped off the side of the road.

"Come over for dinner," Toni said as they headed left. "I can promise you something that's not from a box, and wasn't delivered in Styrofoam."

"What time?" Abbie asked turning around to face her.

"Whenever you think you can drag yourself away from the office," Toni told her with a smile.

"Don't you think midnight's a little late for dinner?" Abbie asked smiling as they crossed the street.

"Late? Why? What time do you normally eat?" Toni asked looking at her with mock curiosity.

"I'll be there at eight," Abbie responded.

"Perfect," Toni said, then they continued down the street.


Toni put the Chianti in the bucket of ice to chill then walked into the living room and sat down. She had to calm her nerves. Even though they had already kissed and borderline groped this was their first real date and she was nervous as hell. She was all jittery and had to calm herself down. Abbie wouldn't be there for another fifteen minutes or so, and for the first time since their drinking contest Toni actually sat down and thought about what was going on.

She had first met Abbie three years ago when she was called into work a narcotics case with her. It was a last minute type of thing, and they were both pissed off at the situation. Toni had had a stack of work up to her head stacked up on her desk, and she didn't want to have to take a case that would only make the pile bigger, and Abbie had been working her ass off for weeks and didn't want some butt-kisser coming in to screw up her case. They met fully intending to hate each other, but a few minutes after meeting their intentions faded and despite their best efforts they ended up not hating each other. Toni had kept her involvement in the case minimal which Abbie appreciated, and which gave her a chance to do some of her own work. They won the case and seeing as she managed to work with Abbie without the Texan killing her they were destined to work together over and over again as the years went on.

She had known that she was attracted to Abbie since their first meeting that day. She had walked into the office and when she lay eyes on Abbie was literally speechless for what could only have been a second or two but had seemed like an hour. It was more than Abbie's exotic beauty that attracted her though, it was the aura she gave off. Toni had felt it as soon as walked into the office. Over the years the attraction had been there, had grown as they got to know each other better, as they became friends, but it always remained in the background. Whenever they worked together, or when they occasionally got together for drinks they never really talked about their personal lives. Abbie was never dating anyone when they got together, and her subtle questioning turned out to be too subtle because she was never able to figure out if Abbie liked boys, or girls, or boys and girls. She was actually beginning to think that the only things that turned Carmichael on were law texts and cross-examinations.

But a late work night, a snow storm, a bottle of vodka, and a pillow fight had changed that.

Snapping out of it Toni got up and pulled the lasagna out the oven setting it down to cool then walked back into the living room to turn on some music. She realized that she didn't really know what kind of music Abbie liked so she settled for a mix that she hoped would be adequate. She loved Whitney Houston, and liked her new C.D. but most of the songs on it were kind of angry and bitter so she decided not to throw that one in the mix. She settled for some Babyface, Enigma, and just for the hell of it Women and Songs.

The doorbell rang just as she finished loading in the C.D's. Actually rang and rang and rang.

"What are you? Three years old?" Toni asked once the door was open.

"Sorry," Abbie responded with an abashed grin that Toni found irresistible. "I'm a little bit anxious."

"Well, welcome to my palace," Toni responded waving her in. She realized that this was only the second time Abbie had been to her apartment. The first time had been shortly after they met, and she had done some considerable re-modeling since then. She took Abbie's coat as the other woman wandered into her apartment looking around.

Once she had hung up her coat she found Abbie concentrating studiously on something in the corner. Abbie must have sensed her come up behind her because just as she entered ear shot the brunette spoke.

"You have a fuse-ball table?" she asked. Her voice was somewhere between excited and quizzical.

"Yeah, I used to hustle in University," Toni responded grinning. "I figured that if this whole 'law' thing didn't workout I should keep up my skills."

"There's a big demand for fuse-balls guru's, huh?" Abbie asked turning to face her.

"You have no idea," Toni responded. "Come on I'll take you on the tour."

"Come on," Abbie pleaded. "It's not funny, that really, really hurt!"

"And they still let you on the team after that?" Toni asked swishing her wine around in the glass as she leaned back against the couch. They had just finished dinner and were now lounging in her living room in front of a fire.

"Well, I was a runner not hurdler. Besides, it was the birds fault. I was out ahead until that bird flew in front of me," Abbie responded smiling. "You'd be surprised how long it's possible for someone to stay airborne before dropping like a pile of rocks and skidding to a stop."

"Let's hope that the bird ended up in the grill of someone's car," Toni raising her glass.

"Your turn," Abbie said leaning back.

"I suppose it has to be more detailed than getting hit in the head with a basketball?" Toni asked.

"Yes, even though the mental image I just got of that was amusing," Abbie responded.

"Well unlike yourself I'm no great athlete," Toni started. "I guess it was gym class in grade ten. My PE teacher really traumatized me and other young girls. Anyway this tale starts with the swim unit, which as you know was always fun. You have to keep in mind that I'd already alienated Mrs. Hargrove by hitting her in the stomach with a volley-ball three weeks earlier. She was this close," she held two fingers a centimeter apart, "from ripping me a new eye socket."

"What was she pregnant or something?" Abbie asked sarcastically.

"Yeah, she was."


"Exactly. So she was still kind of pissed at me. So it's the swim unit and we've just finished with the synchronized swimming part ..."

"Synchronized swimming?" Abbie asked smiling.

"Yes," Toni responded shooting her a look. "I was actually pretty good at the sailboat. But I digress. We were doing free style dives, and I get up on the board. Julia's yelling 'cannon ball, cannon ball' so I'm like 'what the hell' and I jump."

"What happened?"

"It was a beautiful cannon ball, I wasn't a big kid but I got this huge splash going. It was really very impressive," Toni responded replaying the event in her head.


"But...Mrs. Hargrove was marking at the side of the pool and I completely soaked her...and the mark book," Toni answered shaking her head. "But on the bright side, the rest of the class loved me. They all got A's cause she couldn't be bothered to do all the marking over again."

"What'd you get?" Abbie asked already knowing the answer. There could only be one answer.

"An F, and it wasn't for 'I forgive you'," Toni responded. Abbie leaned back and smiled as she took a sip of her wine.

"You win," Abbie acquiesced gracefully with a smile. "You win."

The TV was on and Toni was vaguely aware of Abbie whispering the lines of the show along with the characters on screen. The fire had started to die down, and neither of them were particularly inspired to go over and revive it which left the room lit only by the fire's dying amber's, and the pale glow of the television set. Toni was sitting with her head resting on Abbie's shoulder while Abbie's arm was draped loosely across hers. Neither of them was exactly sure how their intimate arrangement happened, they just knew that as the evening progressed they had migrated closer and closer together until there was no space left to cross. There was a pull between them that neither of them fully understood, and in those quiet moments they were both acutely sensitive to it. It was something that they couldn't negate, couldn't deny, and as the days passed it was a connection they came to realize they didn't really want to deny. They had been drawn together from the first day they met. Their intentions, and their circumstances couldn't obstruct their bond, and now grew as they openly explored the emotions that had been stirring within them both for a very long time they knew they had entered into something special. Something precious.


"I think we should offer her a plea," Toni said. She had spent some time the night before thinking about the subject after Abbie had left. She knew that could present a case of first degree murder, but she didn't think that it was second degree murder. Nothing that they had discovered convinced her that Mrs. Barrett had led Dylan and Jeff into the store with the intention to kill them.

"I think we can make a case for first degree," Abbie responded shutting the folder on her desk so that she could give her full attention to Toni.

"But was it first degree murder?" Toni asked softly yet persistently as she leaned forward. "I don't think so. Do you honestly believe that she let those two boys into the store with the intention of shooting them?"

"I don't know why she let them in," Abbie responded. "All I know for sure is that she murdered two kids," she continued also leaning forward. "It's up to the defense to prove why she did or didn't let them in, and what her intent was or wasn't. It's our job to convict her."

"Our job isn't just to convict her, but to serve justice. That means that we've got to convict her on a charge that befits the crime she committed. That's manslaughter, one," Toni responded. "Let's give her a chance to plea out and save the cost and time of a trial," Toni responded. "Adam will love you," she added with a small smile.

"Alright, we'll make the offer," Abbie agreed after a moment. She wasn't too happy about it though. She had always thought that there was too much pleading, that too many criminals got off simply because they had information on people even more despicable then themselves. And when bad people got off, justice wasn't served and she felt like she hadn't done her job. "I don't think they're going to take it though," she continued. "White's going for an acquittal."

"Once we make the offer what happens next is in their court. We've done our part," Toni responded. Abbie nodded.

"We've got to do it soon. We're approaching our court date," she said finally.

"What are you doing around noon?" Toni asked leaning back in the chair.

"Nothing," Abbie responded even as she thought about all the paper work she had to do.

"Wrong, you're going to Riker's," Toni said with a smile.

"Yeah?" Abbie asked insolently.

"Yeah," Toni responded confidently. She then stood up and looked out the window to see if anybody was around before leaning over and giving Abbie a chaste kiss. As she sat back down she watched Abbie's face which had a smile stretching across it.

"You're going to spoil me," Abbie said finally though she didn't sound displeased with the possibility.

"Hopefully," Toni said. "Hopefully."

Mrs. Barrett sat at the rectangular table with her head down and her hands folded in her lap. Mr. White sat at her side his eyes darting between Carmichael and Ricci. Ricci's posture was relaxed, almost indifferent. She looked more like she was waiting for a cup of coffee instead of sitting in the interrogation room of a penitentiary. Carmichael on the other hand looked sharp and was watching Barrett and White alike with an intense gaze.

"Man one, she serves the maximum term," Carmichael said turning to face White.

"Misdemeanor assault," White responded meeting her gaze.

"Man one, she killed two boys she's getting off easy," Abbie told him.

"Come on now Ms. Carmichael, my client...." Abbie cut him off.

"This isn't the Bargain Basement Mr. White, it's a one time only offer. An ultimatum if you will. Decide now or won't get a chance to decide at all," Abbie said. Once she was finished she turned her attention to Mrs. Barrett. "There's a big difference between 15 years and 25 years to life."

Mrs. Barrett looked over at her lawyer with an alarmed expression on her face. No doubt Mr. White had made acquittal seem like the inevitable outcome of the trial and this was the first serious talk about life imprisonment that Mrs. Barrett had been privy to.

"Can they do that? Can I get life?" she asked him.

"You were defending yourself Mary. I know that, they know that and soon a jury will know that. They wouldn't be making this offer unless they knew they would lose," White responded directing the last sentence at the ADA's. Abbie stared at him derisively.

"Do you really want to bet your client's life on that assumption?" Abbie asked him raising an eyebrow questioningly.

"It's not a bet Ms. Carmichael, it's a statement of fact," White said standing up. Mrs. Barrett followed his lead. "We'll see you in court."

"The offer stand for 24 hours," Abbie said as they headed for the door. "Why don't you consider discussing it with your client. She might not be as willing to part with her freedom as you are." Mrs. Barrett who was trailing behind White turned to look at Abbie when she said that. Abbie smiled mentally and stood up.

"Where are you going?" Ricci asked speaking for the first time since entering the room.

"I think Mrs. Barrett's breaking, I'm going to see if I can crack her a little more. I'll be back," Abbie said and headed for the door so that she could catch Barrett and White before they took her back to her cell.

As she was walking out of the interrogation room, Ricci's cell phone went off. Exiting the room as she fished out her cell phone and answered it she watched Abbie talk to Mr. White and Mrs. Barrett a few meters down the hall. A few minutes Abbie headed back over to Ricci who was hanging up the phone as she arrived.

"So?" Ricci asked turning to face Carmichael. She sounded a bit distracted.

"Still a no. He's going for an acquittal, he's not interested in anything less," Abbie said shaking her head. "How about dinner later? It's on me," she asked a second later.

"I can't," Toni said looking down. "I've got to go take care of's..."

"It's alright," Abbie said shaking off her explanation. "I'll see you tomorrow, alright?"

"Yeah," Toni responded finally looking up. "Try to actually get some sleep," she said as they headed for the door.

"Yes mom," Abbie responded with a smile.

Abbie paced back and forth walking the length of her office before turning around and repeating the procedure. This is insane, she thought to herself as she continued to pace. She lifted up her left arm and looked at her watch. It was seven. It's only been three hours, she thought. Three hours was nothing, she had waited in lines at the post office for that long. Three hours was not a lot of time, but she was missing Toni already. This is insane she thought to herself again. Suddenly she stopped her pacing and went and sat down in her chair. I just need to stop thinking about her, Abbie thought logically. Because if I'm not thinking about her, then I won't be thinking about which means that I will have successfully stopped thinking about her...which is what I want. She sat there for a few more minutes shuffling papers and stamping various documents before sighing and standing up. To hell with logic, and reason, she was just going to go over to Toni's anyway.

Alright, excuses...what's a good excuse? Abbie thought as she walked down the street. Car broke down...nope, I don't have a car. Hmmm, something about the case, but what? Who should do the opening? No, the trials still a few days away, that can wait. The scene...yeah, I'll tell her I think we should take a look around the shop, yeah that's good. Alright, crime scene, got it. She smiled once she had settled on the excuse for going over there. Before turning onto Toni's street she spotted a guy on the corner selling yellow roses and went over to him and bought one. The least she could do is come bearing a gift.

Toni jumped off the couch and headed for the door when she heard the buzzer. She looked through the peephole then reached for the door knob surprised. She opened the door only to have it stop after an inch because she forgot to undo the chain.

"I promise I'm not here to mug you," Abbie said sticking her face in the hole.

"I can't tell you what a relief that is," Toni responded with a smile. "Just a second," she continued closing the door so that she could undo the chain.

"I ah... here," Abbie said bringing the rose out from behind her back and handing it to Toni.

"Abbie," Toni said softly looking at it. Somehow Toni had never pictured Abbie as the flowers type and was pleasantly surprised.

"Yeah," Abbie said blushing a bit. "I ah, I just thought...I mean I had a thought, a thought about the case, and then I thought that..." her sentence was interrupted by a voice from the other room.

"Toni," the voice said. "Where'd you put my pants?" It was a male voice and it was getting closer. Abbie turned her head in the direction it was coming from and walked further into the main room. A few seconds later a man wearing nothing but a towel came out of the hallway drying his hair. "Hey," he continued still not looking up. "My pants, my pants?" Abbie just stared at him with a fascinated detachment. He was tall, probably around 6'1, he had brown hair and a trim but muscular build. He was, Abbie admitted, quite handsome. He was also half-naked in her girlfriend's apartment asking for his pants.

"Whoa," he commented in a half whistle when he finally looked up and saw Abbie. "Who's this?" she asked turning to Toni who had a dazed expression on her face.

"This...this is Abbie. Abbie Carmichael," she responded very slowly. Abbie turned her attention to Toni for a second before glancing at the half-naked man, then back at Toni. It's not, she started to think. But then she considered Toni's expression, and her tone, and realized...oh god.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Abbie Carmichael," he said with a smile as he extended his hand. Abbie reached out and grasped it. "You look like a lawyer Abbie," he continued. "You work with Jelly-bean?" he asked looking at Toni. Abbie just stared at him for a moment. Jelly-bean, she's sleeping with a guy that calls her Jelly-bean!

"Guilty as charged," Abbie managed to respond. "On both counts," she continued. I've gotta get out of here. "Listen, I'm going to get going," she said heading for the door.

"Why don't you stay?" he asked. "I do have pants if that's what you're worried about, I just can't find them at the moment," he continued looking at Toni pointedly.

"Will you shut up about your pants," Toni muttered shooting him a look.

"That's easy for you to say, you've still got yours," he said meeting her gaze.

"You've got a towel what more do you want?" Toni asked irritably.

"My pants," the man responded without missing a beat. "So what do you say?" he asked turning to face Abbie again.

"Thanks for the invite, but I've really got to be going," Abbie said continuing towards the door. The room was getting smaller. It was like in Star Wars when the walls started to close in on Luke, Leia, Han, and Chewie.

"Abbie," Toni said reaching out for her. "Abbie," she said again when Carmichael didn't stop.

"I've gotta go," was all Abbie said in response then she was out the door, down the hall, and down the stairs. Toni stood in the hallway watching her rapid retreat and sighed.

"I think you're friend's got some issues," the man said standing in the doorway. Toni turned around and glared at him.

"Shut up Jason," she said walking back into the apartment.

"What's the matter with you?" Jason asked following her inside. "I'm the one who's marriage just broke up so why are you the one with the attitude?"

Because, Toni thought walking into the living room and falling onto the couch. My honey-moon just ended. She lay down and draped her arm over her eyes.

"Seriously Toni," Jason said once she lying down. "Where are my pants. Mom gave those to me."

"If you don't stop talking I'm going to set those pants on fire," Toni mumbled dangerously.

"Listen, fine, when you stop PMSing give me a call. I'll be in your room moisturizing," he responded walking off.

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