Story: 25 Days of Femslash (chapter 19)

Authors: Blood_Covered_Pheonix

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Chapter 19

Title: Christmas Stories

Soul Society was beginning to bore Yoruichi, truth be told it had been much more interesting before the war. It wasn’t that there wasn’t anything happening, quite the contrary. The place was busier than she had seen it in her entire life before, the problem was her role in the current battles. Most of the time she didn’t have one, occasionally she would spot a battle going badly and rush into help her allies. Mostly, they were able to handle the enemies and she’d quickly discovered that any enemy they could handle was barely worthy of her notice. So she spent a lot of time either wandering around in cat form or training with Soi Fon. Training was entertainment, but Soi Fon was often busy with the war going on around them, so that left Yoruichi to wander on roof tops observing the goings on.

She’d discovered that people watching was high entertainment decades ago when she’d found that humans often took in stray cats in their world. She’d seen all sorts of weirdoes, otaku, perverts, and generally strange people in her time among the humans. That was but a taste of the observable entertainment that could be found in Soul Society. That aspect of the place was not boring, the fact that she could wander into a lover’s quarrel without notice, observe some secret transaction, or even over hear a confession of love. These little secrets made her life among Soul Reapers much more interesting because she could see more clearly their lives and motivations.

Around Christmas time in the human world, Soul Reapers often threw parties with a guest list of about fifteen people. The custom was always for each person to tell a tale of some romantic gesture that had been made around this time in the past because most Soul Reapers celebrated the living holidays anyway. Most of these stories were completely made up, but on occasion there were a few that rang of truth. Her favorite activity during these times was to sneak into the parties and listen to the boasts and then try to decide which stories were fact and which were fiction. This was how she heard the tale of her great confession of love to Soi Fon.

The Captain of Squad Two had been goaded into attending a party with most of the other Captain’s; it was after all considered polite to honor the requests of your peers. She usually didn’t give much thought to courtesy anymore, but occasionally Soi Fon would make a concession to it. In truth, Soi Fon just liked to hear stories. It was a trait she certainly hadn’t lost in the hundred years they’d been apart. Romantic boastings were her favorite form of fiction. She always brought the stories back to Yoruichi to pick apart the character of the other captains. Her little bee had certainly become a wasp. After hearing eight of her companions bare their hearts, Soi Fon had finally ingested enough sake to loosen her tongue.

“I was kidnapped.” Soi Fon began as the jeers started around her. “Oh shut up, it’s not that story. It’s the true version of events. I was kidnapped a force so evil it cannot be named. This force stole me away to a faraway castle where I was stripped entirely of my clothes and abilities. I was sure that I was going to parish in that retched place with no one around. I felt so lonely and unloved.” The short woman paused to sip her sake for a long moment. “Little did I know that Yoruichi was aware of my disappearance and deeply concerned. She set out across the lands in search of my captors so she might save me. She journeyed long and hard before finding the foul place that I was a captive in. She spent weeks understanding the forces that blocked abilities. She snuck into me every few days as a servant. She came to me in what I assumed to be dreams to assure me that help was coming and I would soon be free. Yoruichi eventually unraveled the enchantments around the keep and came to me. She encouraged me to dress and fight my way out with her. I was convinced it was a trick. I would not go. Yoruichi spent days convincing me, she recounted our past together, I was unmoved so she stepped up her attempts soon she was spouting all of my favorite things, my ambitions, my reasoning, all of my painful secrets. She knew everything about me. At last she sat in front of me utterly defeated until she said to me ‘I know all of those things, and you know so much about me, but you don’t know is that I love you.” She kissed me then. I felt in it all of the sincerity she was trying to show in her affections. I understood that her attempts to free me were genuine. We escaped that foul place and returned here to Soul Society. I quickly informed the old captain that I simply had no time for her childish love games and confessions. I was busy being an adult with responsibilities. She left then, sulking.” The story was preposterous, but that was why Soi Fon told it. It made her pretentious image so much more believable. Yoruichi smirked as she padded off. The next few weeks, Yoruichi ‘sulked’ around Soul Society, spending much of her time around the Squad Two barracks. She teased the Captain, showing up naked, cuddling against her girlfriend with kisses and then abruptly moving away from her to presumably complete some other task. Soi Fon eventually grew tired of the endless tease and demanded to know why they couldn’t go to bed together. It was Christmas after all, shouldn’t they celebrate it. She’d nearly killed her when the cat woman had tossed a carefully calculated, ‘Oh, with your responsibilities, I just couldn’t take your time. Do excuse my sulking, Captain.’ over her shoulder. Soi had tackled her, ripped her clothes off and then taken her, roughly. Yoruichi loved every second of it.

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