Story: Dark Mistress - Redux (chapter 8)

Authors: fulwiz

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Chapter 8

Title: CHAPTER 08: Friendship.

Dark Mistress

Written by fulwiz

Beta by Wirenfeldt Jr

Disclaimer: I don't own Kim Possible, Disney does. The other characters come from my own twisted mind.

Warning: This story contains sexual situations, mature themes, explicit violence, death and warped philosophy.

The story is KiAnGo. (And More) If you find this offensive, please don't read further.

Important Note: This story is the sequel to “The Middleton Pact - Redux.” If you don't read that first, you will be very confused.

CHAPTER 08: Friendship.

The blinking red warning sign above the laboratory door read. “Warning: Gamma-13 Radiological Infuser in use.”

Inside the lab, Justine Flanner was swaddled in bright yellow protective gear. She used a pair of long handled tongs to load a test tube into the Infuser. With the push of a button, the machine began to bombard the contents of the tube with high energy radioactive particles. As she waited for the device to do it's work, she drummed her gloved fingers impatiently on a lab table. Normally she went into an experiment with a sense of elation. That wasn't the case today.

Her frustration had begun early this morning when she and Joss had gone to pick Ron up from the hospital. He'd insisted on checking Junior out early, against the doctor's protests, so that all of Team Stoppable could be at the funeral of the fallen hero. She and Joss had agreed, thinking it would only be for a few hours, then Junior could go back for more needed healing. Of course that didn't happen.

While Ron had been talking with the preacher after the service, Junior began whining that he didn't want to go back to the hospital. He kept insisting all he needed was time and rest to recover from his wounds, and that he could do that just as well at the Tower as in the hospital. Joss had told her he was probably trying to show he had what it took to be on the team. So, against her better judgment, she'd agreed. She hadn't realized the extent of her mistake until too late.

It became all too clear when Joss announced she was going to spend the night and probably the whole next day visiting with her father. All day she'd been stuck caring for not one, but two invalids. Babysitting was something she'd managed to avoid her entire life. Now she knew why.

As the Infuser went through it's final cycle, she began muttering under her breath. “Justine, I need a drink of water... Justine, my soup is cold... Justine, I'm bored... Justine, my butt, it is itching...”

The two of them had managed to drive her to the point of pulling out her hair. By early evening it had become just too much. She'd resorted to drastic measures. A glance over at the lab's monitor screen showed the two of them, locked in Ron's bedroom. For the first time today they were quiet, thanks to a large bowl of nachos and a Fearless Ferret season one DVD. It was a temporary measure, but it had given her enough time to retreat to the laboratory.

Removing the finished concoction from the machine, she began loading the glowing mixture from the test tube into two syringes. Necessity, she thought, wasn't really the mother of invention. It was irritation.


Team Impossible entered the preparation room of their headquarters building. As they began to suit up for the mission, Burn recounted the final details of his surveillance. “That's when I noticed one of the smaller trucks was making repeated trips. On a hunch I decided to follow it. My thought was, if it was going to make another trip, I'd be able to find out what it was delivering.”

Will nodded as he zipped up his uniform. “Good thinking. Knowing what was being delivered could give us a clue as to who it was being delivered to.”

Burn shook his head. “Yeah, but not much of one. You see the truck went straight to the nearest Smarty Mart. It pulled up to the loading dock of the food center.”

Crash gave him a puzzled look. “You mean..?”

Burn sighed as he strapped on his harness. “That's right. Food. I talked to one of the clerks after the truck left. He said that was all it had been picking up all day.”

Will closed his locker. “That isn't much. Did you get an inventory list?”

With a negative shake of his head, Burn replied. “No. The clerk said it was against the store's privacy policy. He did mention one thing though. He said, whoever the deliveries were for, they had an inordinately large fondness for ice cream, pickles and chocolate.”


The lump under the covers whimpered. “Just leave me to die in misery. My heart is too shattered for me to go on living in this cruel and barren world.”

Motor Ed sat by his cousin's bedside, smoothing back his mullet as he tried to think of something he could say to ease his relative's pain. He was certainly no stranger to rejection. More times than he could remember, women spurned his advances. Unlike his cousin's dilemma, the times he'd been rejected usually consisted of violent refusal at the very first meeting. This left him lacking a frame of reference to build on.

He was about to give up and just let his cousin wallow in his angst alone, when the door opened. Albert entered with a smile on his face. Ed saw the man was carrying a covered tray. He was glad the man had returned, and hoped whatever it was he'd gone to get would help.

Drakken's loyal Henchman sat the tray down on the small table beside the bed. “Come on out of there Doc. I've got just the thing here to cheer you up.”

Drew hunched into a tighter ball under the covers. “Nothing will ever bring me cheer again. My life is a devastated ruin which can never be rebuilt.”

Albert rolled his eyes as he lifted the tray's lid. In just a few moments, Drakken peeked out from under the covers. “Is that Coco-Moo and pickles I smell?”


Vivian Porter thought about the nature of relationships as she walked up the sidewalk toward her mother's home. After Wade had told her about Drakken and Amy's past, the two of them had a short brainstorming session. Knowing Kim needed Drakken for her plan. They'd come up with an idea to fix that relationship problem. Unfortunately, the one thing they needed to make it work would take Wade too long to design and build.

Luckily, Vivian knew where there was one already built. It was in the house in front of her. She stepped up to the door and rang the bell. A sigh escaped her as she thought about some relationships that couldn't be fixed so easily. Her parents were a prime example. They'd been divorced for many years. Not because they didn't love each other, they did. They simply couldn't fit into each others world.

Her father was a businessman with a ever expanding frozen snack food empire. He lived and breathed for his work, something her mother couldn't understand. Just as her father couldn't understand her mother's passion for the nudist lifestyle. They had tried to make it work out, but eventually gave up and went their separate ways. Though it saddened her that her parents couldn't be together, she still loved them both dearly.

The door of the house swung open to reveal a smiling, and very naked, teenage girl. “Hey big sis! Come on in.”

Vivian glared at her younger sister as she entered and swung the door quickly closed. “Olivia Porter! What do you think you're doing opening the door like that?”

The younger girl's smile turned devious. “You're one to talk. Mom's told me about all the times you did the same thing.”

Vivian grinned as she looked at the green eyed brunette with a body that screamed jailbait. Without having to look, she pointed at a rack beside the door. It contained robes that were there just for the purpose of covering up before doing what her sister had just done. “Yeah, well it doesn't mean I was right. Mom put those there for a reason.”

Olivia shrugged and led her sister into the living room. “I know. Mom's house rules. Gah! But she's not home right now and I don't mind if someone sees me.” She flopped down on the couch in front of the TV. “Speaking of rules... Miss stickler. You better take that stuff off before she comes home and sees you dressed.”

Vivian laughed as she sat down beside her sister. “I know the rules and follow them. See..?”

The girl stared as the clothes her sister was wearing simply faded into non-existence. “Coolness! What is it? Some kind of polymorphic textile?”

With a smile, Vivian said. “Something like that. It's top secret though. Still in the prototype phase.” She wasn't about to tell her sister about the nanotechnology. Who knew what kind of trouble the young genius could get into with it. “I might be able to let you in on it later, after the testing is complete...”

Olivia knew the tone of her sister's voice. It was the tone they both used when they wanted something from each other. “If..?”

Vivian chuckled. “I need something. Something you made a while back...”


The two women dropped out of the ventilation shaft. They landed on the floor of a small storage room. Their nanosuits replicated black ninja outfits that covered them from head to toe. Perfect for the sneaking they were doing. The black haired woman glided silently to the door. The redhead followed, trying her best to be as quiet. Opening the door a crack, they peered out into a short hallway.

Seeing nobody, they moved down the hall. As they passed a series of doors, they checked each one. Near the end of the hall they found half of their predetermined goal. Here they parted ways. The redhead stayed just outside the room, hiding as well as she could, while the other woman moved on.


Jack Hench paced back and forth across the bare floor of the seemingly empty warehouse. He was once again dressed in one of his well tailored suits. His hand went to the remote control in his breast pocket for the sixth time in as many minutes. He was more than a little nervous about what he was about to do, but the risk would be so very worth it. A few butterflies in his stomach were not about to keep him from the immense profit he was sure he was about to reap.

He'd first smelled a hint of the profit when Shego visited his office to setup the supply contract. She'd told him there was something big brewing, and offered him a chance to be in on it. While she wouldn't come out and say exactly what it was, she'd dropped enough hints to make him very interested. So interested in fact, he'd agreed to meet with her and Kim Possible on Monday to discuss it at length.

Finding out Team Impossible was sniffing around had given him an idea. One that he was sure would ingratiate him to the Possibles. Something that would give him an edge in what he figured would be some extreme negotiations. He'd left them a message on their website earlier. Telling them he was going to have a pleasant surprise for them. Having known so many villains over the years, he was sure he knew what they were up to. To get in on it, he wanted to prove he was exactly the kind of person they wanted to deal with.

Once more, he touched the remote as he waited for his bargaining chips to arrive.


Bonnie wore her best 'bored with it all' expression as she pretended disinterest in the conversation between Senior and Dementor. Inside, she was anything but. Anxiety filled her as she once again counted the Henchmen guarding the lair's cavernous main room. There were six of them, and as planned, they were paying more attention to her cleavage and legs than on their duty. It helped that her silk blouse was very low cut, and her skirt was little more than a wide belt.

Kim had left all the planning for this up to her and Ricardo. They'd decided to let him do the talking, while she played eye candy. She'd been tempted to switch roles after seeing the dress Dementor was wearing, but since all the henchmen were all male, they'd stuck with the plan. Pretending to be nothing more than a harmless bit of fluff was galling to her, but if it made the helmeted villain underestimate her, it was worth it.

Senior looked down at the short man. “No. I did not come here seeking your help in exacting vengeance on my son.”

Dementor furrowed his brow. “Then I am not having the understanding. Vhy have you chosen to visit me LIKE THIS THEN!?”

A evil smile crossed Senior's face. “Recently I have become associated with a group of villains who are of like mind. I am here to offer you a chance to join us. If, that is, you are deemed evil enough.”

Dementor swelled in furious pomposity. “YOU DARE QUESTION MY EVILNESS!? I hav made more attempts to take over the vorld than any OTHER VILLAIN ALIVE!”

Senior shook his head. “Calm yourself my good man. It is not I, but my new associates. They seem to think that since many of your attempts were foiled by a teenage girl...”

The helmeted man slammed his fist into the central control console he stood beside. “KIM POSSIBLE! Your associates should be knowing that it is NOT JUST I THAT SHE HAS BEEN FOILING IN THE PAST!”

With a nod, Senior went on. “Indeed, however, as she has now turned to evil... Well, how might I say this..? Since that is now the case, it seems you have not taken the opportunity to do anything evil enough to warrant your inclusion in our group.”

Waving his hand dismissively, Dementor glared at Senior. “You are knowing as vell as I that much of my time has been taken up with Council business.”

Senior bit his lip to keep from laughing at the furious man in his silly gown. “I quite understand, as that has also taken up much of my time. Let me be candid. If you can show me even one thing you have done that is truly evil, I will put in my best recommendation on your behalf.”

With his pride stung by the implication that he wasn't evil enough, Dementor began to pace and think. So caught up in the accusation as he was, he didn't give any thought to what this group was, or it's goals. All that concerned him was proving himself. Appallingly, he couldn't think of anything. Anger filled him, where just a short while ago he'd been full of joy at his capture of... Like a flash it came to him.

His face split into a grin as he reached out to the console. “I VILL BE SHOWING YOU!” He activated the giant view screen. The image of a battered and abused Officer Lace appeared. He swung out an arm to the screen. “You are seeing yes? Just this night I captured this purveyor of justice. She vas sneaking around my lair AND IS NOW VERY MUCH REGRETING IT!”

Bonnie did her best not to react as she saw her friend. Her stomach turned as she saw confirmation of her worst fear. She felt anger grow inside her at the proof she'd come here to get. Slowly she walked over to the two men. It took all her effort to speak calmly as she surreptitiously touched the arm band of her nanosuit. “Wow! Your men really did a number on her.”

Dementor shook his helmeted head. “Nein Fraulein. Such things are not to be leaving to SUBORDINATES! I alone vas hafing the pleasure of BEATING AND RAPING HER!”

Bonnie glanced around as the small man preened. She saw what her signal had set in motion. She swayed her hips to distract the three remaining Henchmen as she stepped right up to Dementor. “Did you enjoy it?” She forced herself to smile as she watched a black figure silently dispatch another of the guards. “Was she just sooo much fun to hurt?”

Dementor gazed at the woman before him. All his attention was on her seeming praise. He didn't notice as the last of his guards disappeared into a shadow. He also didn't see another black cloaked figure appear on the screen and begin untying the helpless girl. What he did see was the lovely woman in front of him reaching out to fondle his Teutonic manhood.


Chad puked as he saw the still beating heart of his fellow Henchman being pulled from his chest. Barry held the organ in his clawed fist as he turned to the young man. “They did tell you that being a Henchman was a really dangerous job didn't they? Well it is. Sorry, but I don't think you'll be moving up the ladder like you planned kid.”

The young Henchman never got the chance to reply, due to his throat being torn out.


Anne finished releasing Tara from her bonds. She could tell the girl was barely conscious. Quickly, she injected her with a concoction she'd made up for just this eventuality. Watching closely, she saw the hero wake and begin to take in her predicament.

Tara felt her strength returning and an absence of pain from her injuries. She looked into eyes that were only a slightly darker shade of blue than her own. “Who..?”

Anne shook her head. “Don't talk. You're safe now. Come with me. There is some who wants to speak with you.”


Many things happened at once that Professor Dementor didn't anticipate. He was grabbed from behind by the youthful Senior Sr. He felt the woman's claws dig into his scrotum, and he saw four figures appear from the far corners of the room.

Bonnie whispered to him. “My friends and I have decided. You are evil enough to join us. There is just one problem though...”

His eyes went wide as he felt the claws contract. Pain shot through him as he saw that one of the people approaching him was the woman he'd just abused so thoroughly. She was holding the arm of a woman in black. “VAT IS THIS THAT IS HAPPENING!?”

Bonnie hissed as Yori and Barry came closer. “The problem is, you won't live long enough to accept our invitation. You see some things are more important than either good or evil. One of those things is friendship.”

Tara gasped as she got close enough to hear those words. She knew that voice. “Bonnie!?”

Bonnie turned her head and smiled at her friend. “We came to save you. I also want to give you a choice.”

Tara blinked as the shorter, dark eyed, woman in black placed a long knife in her hand.

Dementor paled as he saw the knife. “NO! IT VAS ALL A MISTAKE!”

Bonnie felt blood trickle over her fingers as she squeezed the villain's balls tighter. She stared right into Tara's eyes. “It's up to you.”

Tara swallowed hard as she looked from the blade to the man who had laughed as he took her body against her will. She felt the urge to plunge the knife into him. Her hand trembled. “I... I can't! It would be murder!”

Bonnie shook her head. “No Tara. It would be justice. What he did can't be undone. Nothing in this world can give you back what he stole from you. All there is, is your rightful vengeance. He will die, but you can only be free if it is by your hand.”

Tara stepped closer. “What will become of me if I do?”

Bonnie asked. “Do you trust me?”

The blonde nodded.

Bonnie reached out her free hand and drew Tara closer to the shaking, fear wracked, villain. “Then trust me to take care of you.”

The villain who called himself Professor Dementor died a eunuch, as a lethal silver blade penetrated his heart.

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