Story: 30 Kisses For Cam (chapter 6)

Authors: BatchSan

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Chapter 6

Title: Yes, You Do

[Author's notes:

A/N: ._. None.

Summary: Sam's not happy about having to go home, but Carly can be very convincing.

Prompt: #20 - the road home

Progress: 6/30 of 30_kisses challenge


Yes, You Do

"Do I have to go?" Sam grumbled, covering her head with a pillow.

"Sam, you've been here, everyday, for almost a week. So yes, you have to go home." Carly said, yanking the pillow off her friend's head.

Sitting, the blonde sighed, sweeping her hand through her hair. Pursing her lips, she gave Carly her best puppy dog eyes. Frowning to hide the blush she felt creeping along her face, the brunette bit her lip. She almost always succumbed to Sam when she gave her that look, but she was worried about Sam's mother. The woman was unpredictable. One week, she may be a somewhat doting mother. The next, she could be a total psychopath who might freak out at the realization that the cat isn't her daughter. How would she react if Sam spent a whole week away from home without even a phone call? Carly really didn't want to find out - ever. So with a sigh, she crossed her arms and gave Sam a sympathetic smile.

"Look, just go home and let your mom see that you're still alive. While you're there, you can pick up some of your own clothes before coming back."

"Why do I have to get my own clothes?"

"So you can stop wearing all of mine!"

"But Carls...!" Sam began whining.

Knowing this would go nowhere with mere words, Carly abruptly pounced on the smaller girl, straddling her lap. "If you behave and do like I ask..." The brunette's voice trailed off as she lean forward, nibbling Sam's lower lip, making the blonde blush. She then pushed the blonde back so she was laying down and pinned her wrists above her head. "I'll finish this when you come back."

A quick kiss on the lips and Carly was on her feet, grabbing her school bag. Sam stared blankly at the ceiling as she slowly realized what had just happened. Groaning and cursing, she sat up again and stared at her girlfriend. Annoyed that not only did she have to go home and leave Carly's side for a few hours, but now she had to go to school aroused. Her eyes traced the lips that she so desperately wanted to taste again and debated what would happen if she just pounced on the dark haired beauty. Most likely, Carly would be pissed and probably deny her anymore 'alone' time or worst - no more free food! Grunting, she stood and grabbed her bag, seeing Carly's face light up.

"Fine. But know - I'm not happy about this."

"I know." Carly deadpanned with a smile.

They left Carly's bedroom and walked in silence to the front door. Touching the doorknob and pausing, Sam turned to her girlfriend.

"I guess I'll be taking the long road home today."

"Don't try to guilt me, Sam." The brunette said, frowning. "You take the road home that you have to take and leave me out of it."

"Sorry. Sorry." Sam pulled open the door and out they went to a long day at school.


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