Story: A Song for the Empress (chapter 1)

Authors: MadPanda

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Chapter 1

Title: 1. Seek and Ye Shall Find

[Author's notes: The Empress hears a beaitiful song, and becomes obsessed with the singer.]

Disclaimer:  This tale is based on the famed story "The Emperor and the Nightingale" by Hans Christian Anderson.  I've taken liberties with it, so as to add some shoujo-ai flavor to it.  If any of Mr. Anderson's folks are reading this, please don't sue me--I don't know how to convert magic beans to Euros.  :-)

<b><i>Once upon a time...</i></b>

Chapter 1 - Seek and Ye Shall Find

Standing in the garden of her spacious palace, the Divine Empress Reina was enthralled by the collection of flowers she had amassed in her thirty-some-odd years.  They were one of her many passions, but they always took second place to her empire.  She was the ruler of a country of such wealth, power and reach that practically nothing happened in the world without her knowledge.  Her many advisors and minions were all very adept at their jobs, leaving Reina plenty of time to enjoy her sovereignty...and her flowers.

One would think that a woman such as Reina would have suitors falling at her feet; male rulers wanting to bed such a powerful woman and bear an heir to the crown; and women daring clandestine affairs or offering to be a consort to such an icon.  Truth be told, her beauty and power were so intimidating that no one--not ever her closest advisors--dared a sexual advance towards her, or truly befriended her, for that matter.  She had lovers and friends in the past, but all that faded as her mother died and she became Empress.  She became a mistress to the throne, skilled in the art of knowing what the people wanted and how to keep them in line.  This made her loved by her people, but feared by her enemies.  However, her personal life was a chain of acquaintances and acknowledgements, underlings and sub-underlings.  No one to laugh with, or tell her personal troubles to.  Most importantly, she spent all of her nights alone.  Such was the life of an Empress.

Reina turned to leave the myriad of flora spread out before her and headed towards her palace.  A sound caught her ear; a sound so beautiful it stopped the woman in her tracks.  At first, she thought it to be a songbird, but she had never heard any bird sing like this before.  It was rich and full of depth, at times soaring and joyful, then turning almost morbid.  There were no words, but none were necessary--the voice was that expressive

The song crept into Reina's mind and wouldn't let go.  It touched parts of her she thought she didn't even have.  At one point, she almost wanted to dance along to the happier portions of the aria, only to be nearly driven to tears of the sadness of the following movement.  It was as if the singer was searching for just the right emotion to draw Reina to her--for the voice was definitely female.

Just as Reina thought she had finally found the source of the song, it had suddenly stopped.  The woman looked around her to find she had entered the forest that stood behind her mansion.  "Who's there?" she called out.  "Please!  I don't mean you any harm!  I just want to hear you sing some more!"  Her voice was met with silence.  "Look, I'll give you whatever you want!  Just come out and let me hear you sing, please?"  Again, no reply.  "Do you know who I am?  I command you to appear before me and sing!"  Reina slumped her shoulders and headed back to her mansion, longing for the song that so touched her heart.


Later that evening, Reina lay awake in her bed, thinking about what had happened earlier that afternoon.  She had her guards check the grounds for intruders, but all seemed to be normal.  "Maybe it's one of the help...a gardener or a maid, perhaps?  But they would not have run from me...would they?"  Just as Reina was about to dismiss the idea and try to sleep in earnest, the song found its way into her room, caressing her ears with the seductive voice of a lover.  This time, the song was slow and passionate, fitting for a full moon's night.

Reina let the song fill her, and it did, reaching all the pleasure centers of her body and mind, until Reina herself cried in ecstasy.  The song ended as gently as it began, leaving Reina gasping, but wanting more.  "How could a song hold such power!" she thought to herself as she came down from the wave of passion produced by the unseen singer.  "I must find out who this is!"

Grabbing a robe that was draped on a chair, Reina covered herself and ran to her balcony, hoping to get a glimpse of the one who so enraptured her...  The full moon shone brightly enough to show most of the grounds before her, but not a soul walked about.  "Where are you?  Why won't you let me see you?"

"In good time, my lady," the voice answered.  It was sweet yet husky, like molasses.  It seemed to come from somewhere out of Reina's view, but close enough to be a whisper.  "Seek me out, and I will come to you willingly.  I will be yours forever--all you need do is ask."

The woman shivered at the thought of someone being so close to her so suddenly, yet she wasn't afraid--she wanted this person's company, more than anything else.  The harder side of her personality tried to reason with the voice.  "What do you want from me?  Why do you torture me so?"

"That is not my intent," the voice whispered.  "I wish only to please you, to open your heart, and to give myself to you.  In order for me to do that, however, you must want me."

"I do want you!"  Reina's sudden exclamation surprised herself.  "I mean, I do want to have you here with me.  Can't you just show yourself to me now?  Please?"

"No," the voice answered.  "You must want me, as I want you.  Seek me out...  Ask me to my face to sing to you, and I will gladly do so, with all my heart and soul."

Reina was crossed between frustration and desire.  "But you're here now!  Why can't I ask you now?"

"If you truly desire me, find me."

Reina waited for the voice to give some clue, some detail of where to look, but it spoke no more that evening.  She returned to her bed and clutched a pillow.  "I will," she cried.  "I will find you!"


Early the next morning, the Empress sent for her Royal Advisor, Mistress Ng.  The long-faced woman approached the beautiful Empress.  "What is thy bidding, Your Highness?"

"I seek a singer, Mistress Ng, but not just any singer--one of such talent as to move me to tears!  One such person has sung to me twice now, and I must find out who this is!   I charge you with finding her.  Do so, and I will grant you or anyone who finds her their heart's desire."

"Be careful of your offer, Your Highness," Mistress Ng warned.  "Some may desire to be Empress.  Or better yet, the one who shares the Empress' bed!"

Empress Reina would have chastised the advisor for her bluntness, but it was for that reason Mistress Ng was given the position--she always told the truth, even if it was something her Empress may not want to hear.  "Fine, then I will raise their station in life one degree.  I am sure that will suffice."

"It will," the advisor replied.  With that, Empress Reina allowed Mistress Ng to set to her task.

Soon the palace was a flurry of activity, with all manner of people questioning each other about the mysterious singer.  Also in question was the Empress' offer.  The news had trickled down to the lowly cleaners and cooks and farmhands, who all wanted to move up one station in life.

After what seemed like an eternity to Reina, it was announced that someone was found who knew of the singer.  Mistress Ng had returned to the throne room, followed by her own attendants.  With them was a scruffy-looking young girl.  Upon being pushed to the front of the entourage, the girl instantly dropped to her knees and bowed her head to the floor in front of the Empress.

Reina looked at the ragamuffin with disbelief.  "What is the meaning of this?"

"Your Highness," Mistress Ng said with a smile.  "This kitchen cook knows of the singer you seek, and where she can be found!"

Reina's eyes flew open wide.  "Is this so?  Young woman, please rise!"  The Empress watched the cook stumble to her feet.  The young woman dared not lift her head, and spoke in a barely audible whisper.

" is so, Your'am."  The poor woman tried to wring her hands right off of her wrists.

The Empress rose from her throne and stepped toward the shy young cook.  A collective gasp was heard when Reina took the young woman's flour-covered hands.  "This singer...this wonder of wonders.  Is she some goddess or fairy or nymph?"

"N-no, Your Highness," the girl stammered.

"You know of her, or do you personally know her?"

"Personally, Your'am."  The young girl was doing the best she could not to faint, being touched by divine royalty.

"Is she some kind of local legend manifest in flesh, then?"  Reina took the girl by the chin and raised her eyes.  She saw the fear in the young cook--terror, as if the Empress would eat her alive if she said the wrong thing.  "Please, do not fear me, child.  I simply seek the singer who has come to me twice with songs of unimaginable joy and feeling.  I must see her in person.  You will bring her to me!"

With that, the girl visibly shook.  "Please, Your Highness!  Do not ask this of me!  Even if you were to make me the Royal Chef, I fear I would not be able to do this!  She is a fickle creature, and rarely wanders out of our home at the edge of the forest.  I do not know if she will come, and I would rather risk Death herself than to disappoint you, Your Highness!"

Reina knew she had to do something to calm this girl, or any hope of finding the singer would surely be lost.  "Do not worry.  It would not be you who disappoints me, but her.  You have already done me a favor by proving I am not insane."  Her smile and light laugh brought a quiet chuckle to the girl.  "All you need do is point her out.  My Royal Advisor will talk to her.  Would that ease your mind?"

The girl smiled broadly.  "Yes, Your Highness.  I believe she would come if asked by someone of more importance than my lowly self."  She cast her eyes downward, looking at the royal hand still holding her chin.  "But still, I cannot guarantee her acceptance.  She is a free spirit, and so enjoys her freedom."

"I will keep this in mind," Reina said, letting go of the young cook.  She then turned to a couple of maids.  "Take this girl and have her bathed and dressed in a fine robe!  She will lead the party to find the singer!"

Three young women gathered the cook and whisked her out of the throne room.  Mistress Ng looked at the spot the girl left behind and avoided stepping on it, fearing the flour would soil her soul.  "Are you sure this is wise, Your Highness?  She could lead us on a fool's errand."

"I think not!", Reina declared.  "She may be but a kitchen wench, but she still shows loyalty and obedience, and fears to disappoint me!  She will not lead you astray.  When she is ready, follow her into the town, and convince the singer to appear before me.  I will allow you to offer her anything within reason to come, just as long as she appears.  Do I make myself clear?"

"As you wish, Your Highness."  The Royal Advisor bowed and backed out of the room, her subordinates following her out.

When she was alone, Reina let out a laugh that filled the room.  "Soon, singer, you will be mine!"  The Empress hummed happily to herself, content in the ecstasy that would soon be hers to command.

End of Chapter 1

[End notes: Hi people!  I hope you've enjoyed this chapter, and look forward to the next one!  I had meant this to be a one-shot, but the words just kept coming.  I'm guessing four chapters should do pretty well

Thanks as always to Brave_quill for starting the "Shoujo-ai Ever After" series, and Deviant Hearts for giving me a place to put this thing.  :-)

By the way.....have a happy holiday season--whichever holiday you're celebrating!

Until next time..."So long, and thanks for all the fish!"]

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